Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Attraction of Jewels in the Treasure of Wisdom

To what depth are we willing to go in thought?

 What we really think can be delivered after a connection is made that can handle deeper thoughts, one that can dive past the shallow oceans of broad opinion and the general conclusions that pool society. As we continually modernize ourselves with thought and supply our search engines with new likes and interests from broad shallow thought, it is the simple effortless passing of time that will continuously deliver us from the future into the past. In time we process thought to form conclusions like platforms in the depth of thought. Our memories serve as life support systems in these depths, taking us ever deeper into the abyss of awareness. What we reach for at this great depth is knowledge, jewels in the treasure of wisdom. Our memories are so filled with knowledge, they become structured by it.

We can easily find key similarities or the likeness of living beings more important than any singular component of what is life, even if we are each only one of these components. Although our sight may be kept in single perspective, we can share our vision through the wonder of inspiration and the shear power of ideas once that connection is made. When we blend feelings and thoughts together and express honest words, they are most often about the splendor of life and passed through connections made from the attraction of positive energy. And through these connections, fear at its negative core is pushed to its thinest possible existence, powerless and unable to influence. We each exist from a simple expression and the boundless care of love, and the attraction we may sense is the nature of the energy we are born from. 

What brings you here to read these words, is what brought me here to write them, as we connect the past and future. For each of us, this is the here and now. We are within the crest of a wave of time, traveling the distance of life and yet always in the present moment. Here, in one direction is the endless universe and the other the vastness of imagination. And now wonder may reach in both directions. Those who journey through life will come to sense attraction in all there is to discover. 

Here and now, we are one...

Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

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